I’m a stay-at-home mom of three making flashcards and activities to help my family grow their Navajo language vocabulary little by little.

I’m a BIG dreamer with a BIG imagination in every creative endeavor I set out to do including…

…learning Navajo and helping my family learn Navajo with me!

I want to show you how to learn Navajo as a family, too!


I’m a wife to an electrician (a good one) and a mom to three beautiful Diné kiddos,

who drive me crazy most days, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything.

With my creativity, techy know-how, and love for writing, learning, and teaching,

it makes sense that I should use my skills and talents to help others, too!

Why the name Ms Linturtle?

Before kids, I was a youth mentor for Native American children in an after-school program for almost a decade!

That’s where my curiosity to learn and teach Navajo began.

The students called me, “Ms. Lintara.”

One day, a student of mine, a quick-witted and bold 4th-grader thought the name “Ms.

Linturtle” best suited my performance as a tag player (or lack of)! Ha!

But I liked it! And it became my online alias.

Ms. Linturtle is the essence of who I am – someone who LOVES learning and teaching!

I’m looking forward to helping you with theresources to learn Navajo with your family

. I want to support you in building an encouraging and positive environment for Navajo language learning at home!

Can I speak Diné Bizaad fluently?

I’m determined to say YES one day!

I know that’s what you want too!

Not ideal for me to admit but that’s why I created this blog!

I learn as often as possible and teach my family as I go.

What helps the most is a family who supports me. (My mom and dad)

If you have family support, you have a GREAT ADVANTAGE to learn and help your family, too!

So why should YOU follow me for Diné Bizaad?

Have you ever looked at your grandparents and wished you could speak to them in Navajo? And now that you have children of your own, you want so much for them to know their language too?

You’re not alone.

My grandparents were a big part of my childhood. I loved growing up with them and I was lucky Shimasaní could speak English but I could hardly speak to Shícheii.

I wanted to learn Navajo for a long time especially when I got older.

But I didn’t put much effort into it all those years my grandparents were here.

Over a decade ago, I lost my grandma so it felt hard to talk to my grandpa. I asked my grandpa to teach me, and he said, “Go out and learn Navajo then.” I was a little hurt at the time because I thought he wasn’t interested in teaching me.

But the desire to learn Navajo was so strong, I knew I had to start making a plan.

I started learning words and building them into my memory. I was working at it every day for over a month because I wanted to be able to start speaking to my grandpa in our language. I was so excited to finally be on my way…

…But then…

…my grandpa unexpectedly got COVID and passed away shortly after. It was one of the most devastating seasons of my life. I wanted nothing more than for him to come home safe and healthy.

With both my grandparents gone, this was the defining moment that made me see how important learning my language was to me. It was who they were and it’s who I am now. My language is my connection to my heritage and culture. It’s part of my identity as a Navajo woman and my responsibility as a mother to teach my kids their language and for them to know where they came from.

I miss my grandparents dearly, and even though they’re not here to help me, I didn’t want to give up. I had to continue to put in the time, energy, and effort in building my Navajo language skills.

In doing so, I finally understood what Shícheii meant when he told me to go out and learn.

He knew if learning Navajo was important to me, I would learn but only I was responsible for my own learning.

It was like he was sitting in his black chair, pointing straight ahead, eyes focused in the distance, telling me, “where you want to go is right over there, get going. No one’s stopping you.” And it all made sense now.

And, this is why I continue even though some days or weeks I fall off or life happens. But I get back up and continue.

And if I am continuing my path to learning and speaking Navajo, why not share and help others along the way?

Before I became a stay-at-home mom, developing the curriculum for my former youth program was my job. A lot of the activities I came up with, involved the Navajo language and culture. I enjoyed being able to be creative and finding ways to implement our culture into everyday activities. I think the best part of my job was seeing how many of the kids enjoyed it and were happy to learn new Navajo words or more about their culture.

Even though I’m no longer a youth mentor, I still feel strongly about helping others, especially our Native youth.

I know many kids and adults alike desire to learn their Native language and I want to help. I don’t want our language to die out. I believe we still have a chance.

We just got to keep pushing forward one step at a time.

With my blog, it’s my goal to help parents, like you, build the confidence and skills to teach your kid Navajo, even if you don’t speak it yourself.

I know our time as parents are limited these days but I’ll make it easy and fun along the way for both you and your child.

I want to help parents like me teach their Diné children the Navajo language – and to make it fun and easy!

We can help our kids learn Navajo because no one else will do it as passionately as us. Showing you’re willing to learn Navajo, your family will notice and be encouraged to learn, too.

You with me?

If teaching your children their Navajo language is important to you, will you join the journey? We can do it together.

If you’re ready, here’s a good place to start.


“Ms. Lintara was good with the students and they loved coming home with a Navajo word they learned”-Program Parent

More Random Things About Me

Deeschii’nii nisli, Kinyaa’aanii bashichiin, Tachii’nii dashicheii, To’ahani dashinali.

I love creating, writing and teaching so this blog is right up my alley.

I hate coffee and clutter.

I love popcorn, chocolate, and boba tea.

I love musicals (I dream of being in one, one day, but in reality, I probably wouldn’t)

I’m the oldest in my family and I love it (Plus the perks are cool).

My family is everything and everything I do is for them.

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